TONS of new tour content for you today! First off, swing by for a guest post debating "What's Safe for YA?":
Cursing, drinking, and sex are, for many adults, parts of everyday life. We throw back a few beers, make some crude jokes, get “lucky” every now and then, and it’s generally not a big deal. And when it comes time to write a book about these things, that’s generally not a big deal either. Unless of course your book is a YA novel, in which case the question becomes: how much is too much?
Don’t miss the rest and the excerpt at today! Next we’ve got a great review and author interview at Bex N Books, along with an e-book giveaway!

The character Alessa was a particular favourite of mine. She handled the vast amount of dramas in a way that I was immediately able to relate to her character. The way that Samantha Durante handled the construction and development of her characters is very impressive. They are well-rounded and wholly believable.
Check out the rest at Bex N Books today and remember to enter the giveaway while you’re there! For our third stop today we’ve over at Laurel’s Open Page for another interview and review:
Is Isaac involved? What’s their connection? Is Alessa simply processing her grief over her parents, or is this real? Is Isaac even is a ghost, or is everything the reader has assumed so far actually wrong? All of these questions and more are answered in Stitch, which I definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys YA lit, especially tales like The Hunger Games or Divergent.
Finally, checkout this author interview at Rai29BookReadNReview:

Have you ever read a book more than once? And if so what was it? Oh, all the time. I’ve read Pride and Prejudice probably 16 times. I read the entire Harry Potter series at least 4 times. I reread all of Twilight at least twice. I have no qualms about rereading something I loved – it’s like visiting an old friend or a place from your childhood, very comforting.
Head over to Rai29BookReadNReview to read the remainder of the interview! HUGE thanks to Monique, Bex, Laurel, & Rachel for all their help getting these stops up today!!
Tomorrow we’re at Bookmark Reviews for a guest post about the Stitch theme of finding balance, and A Dash of YA for an author interview and giveaway!