Whew! SO MUCH excitement over the weekend! Okay, I’m doing to do my best to keep it short and recap all the goodness you might have missed in the past 3 days.
First, from Friday:
Guest post at My World in Words and Pages on the topic of “Family & Relationships in a Dying World” – here’s a sneak peek:
Imagine the world ended tomorrow. You have no more career, no school, no obligations. Money is meaningless. All the material possessions you’ve accumulated are useless, except what you can carry on your back. There’s no electricity to power your iPad, no gas to run your car, no fuel to heat your home – besides whatever you can find to burn, that is. So what *do* you have left? When all the entrapments of daily life are tossed overboard and you’re fighting just to hold a claim over the basic necessities of survival, what exactly is left to live *for?* Ask any of the characters from the Stitch Trilogy, and they’ll tell you the same thing: their loved ones. <continue reading>
Also reviews at My World in Words and Pages and Kate’s Book Life
Then on Saturday we kicked off the Grand Finale Highlight Tour hosted by Prism Tours! Before we get to these stops, let me first fill you in on the HUGE GIVEAWAY going on at all these stops to cap off the tour. Prizes up for grabs include:
* Signed print copy of Stitch & Shudder for you and two friends (USA only) * Signed (via Authorgraph) e-book copies of Stitch & Shudder for you and two friends (Int’l) * Signed Stitch & Shudder bookmarks + e-book copies of Stitch & Shudder (Int’l) * $10 Amazon Gift Card (Int’l) * $5 Amazon Gift Card (Int’l)
And you can enter at ANY of the stops on the Prism tour over the next two weeks! (See full schedule here.)
Okay, now that you’ve got the details on that, here’s a recap of the awesome stops you might have missed on Saturday and Sunday:
At The Reading Diaries, “Shudder Mysteries” highlights plus a great 5-star review: “Shudder is filled with surprises around every corner, keeping me guessing till the very end. … The author has done a brilliant job creating a world filled with action, romance, monsters, and fantastic characters. The characters are easy to connect with and you can’t help cheering them on as the book progresses. Shudder is a fast paced novel that I was able to read in one evening unable to put it down till the last page.”
At The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl, highlights featuring quotes from “Raving Fans”
At Rose & Beps, highlights about “Crushing on (Side) Characters”
At Chapter Break, “Vile Villainy” highlights plus an AWESOME 5-star review: “I know, I gave this book 5 stars. What? Yea, it’s just that awesome. It is one of the best dystopias I’ve read in a few years (seriously, since Hunger Games and Divergent, which are my favorites in this genre). It has everything and all types of feels – betrayal, survival, despair, rage, vengeance, love, you name it. I devoured this book in a couple of sittings. Where the first book was just good, this sequel was wonderful.”
At The Wonderings of One Person, “Cliffhanger Ending” highlights and another amazing review: “Shudder by Samantha Durante is a deeply touching and sensational story of discovery and freedom laden with heavy doubts and uncomfortable choices. I was swept away into this amazing world. I was taken in by its vivid detail and tangible emotions. My heart was stolen from the start. The tender and enduring love of Issac and Alessa combined with the dark intentions of a post-apocalyptic world propelled the story onto my top books of 2013 list and made me love it!”
At Mortal Moments, tour highlights featuring quotes about “Crushing on (Main) Characters” (aka Isaac Love Fest 2013, haha).
Okay, I think we’ve covered it! Remember you can enter the giveaway at any (or preferably ALL) of these stops! And keep your eye out for another post going up later today about today’s stops… Thanks!!