Well, ladies and gents, that story is here! The novella-length story is called “The Catastrophe Theory” and it stars scientist Eve, prepper Jared, and their very unique daughter Cassie in a post-apocalyptic techno-disaster. The story has been evolving spontaneously as each author takes their turn writing the next chapter each day and adding his/her own twists to the plot, and it’s been quite a suspenseful ride!
(As a side note, this has been an incredibly interesting experience as a writer, since this fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, little-to-no-planning, zero-control-over-the-storyline style is pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of how I normally write. It definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I have to say, I’m surprisingly pleased with the results thus far… I guess that’s what happens when you put 20 talented authors in one place and set them loose!)
A new chapter has been published every day for the past couple weeks, and yesterday, it was my turn! So without further ado, check out Chapter 13 of The Catastrophe Theory – and if you haven’t read the first 12 chapters, start here!!
Follow along on The Hunt blog or Facebook page to read the remaining chapters as they’re published each day! Still got about a third of the book to go… can’t wait to see what happens!!