I’m back today with a couple more highlights from this week’s Stuck Blog Tour posts!

First, swing by Paulette’s Papers for a guest post which includes a playlist of music to go with specific chapters of Stuck!
Next, head over to Candrel’s Crafts, Cooks, & Characters for an author interview where we touch on everything from the appeal of dystopian novels, what sets Stuck apart from others in its genre, to what I’m up to outside of writing and why it took so long for me to finish this book!!
And, of course, at all of these stops, you can enter the big tour giveaway!!! (Open internationally – prizes include books, Amazon gift cards, a limited edition scarf, and more!)
Stuck will be available THIS SATURDAY 12/15. If you’d like a reminder once it’s up, please sign up on the email list here! (No spam, ever, I promise!)