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Stitch Review, Interview & Giveaways @ Jean Book Nerd & Bookish Treasures

Thank you to Jean Book Nerd for hosting me for an interview!

Jean Book Nerd
What’s the best advice you can give writers to help them develop their own unique voice and style? Just go with your gut and write how comes naturally to you, even if it’s not fancy or even grammatically correct. The other day I met with a book club and the teacher leading it mentioned that she liked that I wasn’t afraid to end a sentence with a preposition, and my reaction was, “Hmm, it didn’t even occur to me that I should *not* do that, since even though I know it’s technically bad grammar, it’s just how I talk and how I think.” So I say just write in your own voice and go with what feels natural to you – if you try to change your writing to fit some ideal or match some other style, it won’t feel authentic.

In addition, there’s also a fabulous review of Stitch and a giveaway for a signed print copy! Don’t miss out!  Swing by Jean Book Nerd for the rest.

As a reminder, tomorrow is your LAST CHANCE to grab a free copy of Stitch on Amazon. (And remember to enter that giveaway as well if you’ve been helping to spread the word – I added a bunch of new prizes yesterday to thank everyone!)

And finally, if you’re getting excited for the Shudder release this week, I’ve got a surprise coming later this evening…  Keep an eye out for another post in a couple hours.  :-D


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