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Stitch – Now Available at an Online Retailer Near You!

It’s official: Stitch has launched!  Readers can now buy it at the following locations:

Amazon – Print & Kindle editions Smashwords – Multiple eBook versions iTunes and Barnes & Noble – eBook versions coming soon!

I’m SO excited to finally get the book out to readers!  Huge thanks to my friends and family for helping me spread the word (they’re literally flooding Facebook, it’s amazing, thank you!!!).

Shameless Plea: If you read the book, would you please post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords, etc.?  And tell someone else about the book who might like it?

(I’m at that critical juncture where I need to hitting the tipping point with reviews and word-of-mouth in order to reach readers beyond my immediate social circle.  The blog tour I’m organizing in a few weeks should help, but it will be a LOT easier to get bloggers interested if I’ve got some reviews up already so that they know I’m legit!  Again, THANK YOU!)


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