Hey guys! I’ve got an update for you on the Shudder-o-Meter!

That’s right – 13%!!! As you know, I do most of my writing on the weekends (got that pesky job during the week…) and I lost a few days of productivity the week before last due to being out of town, but over this weekend I finally had an opportunity to crawl into my writing hole and make some real progress!
And I’m SO happy with how these first few chapters are shaping up – we’re diving right in to the action and romance, as promised, and I think you guys are really going to like them!
Here’s what the beta readers had to say this week:
“I love this fast pace!”“Excellent.”“I got into bed last night planning to read for 30 min, and then I couldn’t put it down! So I got no sleep, thank you.”“Isn’t this a little, um, dirty for a young adult audience?” (Don’t worry, romance fans, I’m not cutting out the scene in question!)“I love how Alessa and Isaac are together – I’m so happy for them! But I’m also really scared for them with the [spoiler comments removed!].”