Hey guys! Sorry things have been kind of light on the blog this week. You’ll notice that’s it’s going to be like this for the next couple months, since I’m winding down on the Stitch promotion and putting that effort into finishing up Shudder and beginning the marketing efforts for that book.
See what I mean about the snow?
I do have a Shudder-o-Meter update coming soon, but I’m waiting to hear back from some of my beta readers before I post it so I can get you guys some good teaser comments. We woke up to a TON of snow in New York this morning, so hopefully they’ll catch up over the weekend while we’re snowed in! My weekend, on the other hand, is packed despite the weather, so I’m not sure how much writing I’ll get done this week. :-(
But anyway, to hold you over until the next Shudder-o-Meter update, I’ve got a great new interview with Alessa to share with you at Supernatural Snark today. Here’s a snippet:
Thanks so much, Alessa, for stopping by Supernatural Snark for this interview! Tell me about yourself. Thanks a lot for having me! My name is Alessa Khole and I just started my freshman year at Eastern State University. I’m taking your usual mix of liberal arts introductory classes, and school hasn’t been too challenging so far, which is lucky since the rest of my life has been a bit of mess lately… I lost my parents in a car accident last year and I still haven’t really gotten over it, so adjusting to college life has been difficult, to say the least. And it certainly hasn’t helped that my sorority house is haunted!
Swing by Supernatural Snark for the rest, and I promise I will get that Shudder-o-Meter update posted soon! Thanks to Jenny at Supernatural Snark for hosting Stitch!!