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Guest Posts: “Top 5 Must-Haves for Your Post-Apocalyptic Adventure” & “Sayings Smackdown w/ Isa

Don’t miss two fun new guest posts from today and yesterday, along with an excellent 4-star review and excerpt!  Here are some quick links to the posts:

  1. At Books for Company, the guest post “Top 5 Must-Haves for Your Post-Apocalyptic Adventure” as recommended by characters who know what they’re talking about!  (Also an e-book giveaway)

  2. At Sarcasm & Lemons, the guest post “Sayings Smackdown w/ Isaac & Alessa” where Alessa and Isaac debate the merits of some common idioms (and another e-book giveaway!)

  3. At Forever 17 Books, an awesome review (“wonderfully fleshed out characters I can’t help but root for”) plus an excerpt

Thanks so much to Jodie, CJ, and Sara for hosting!!


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