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Guest Post: On Music and Writing + Review, Interview, Giveaway

First, an unpopular opinion in my guest post at Comfort Books:

Comfort Books
For a lot of writers, music is a huge part of their craft.  They use it as inspiration for their story, motivation for a difficult scene, a living breathing backdrop to the imaginative world they’re weaving.  And I love music as much as the next person, but for me… writing and music are like oil and water.  They just don’t mix. <continue reading>

Next up, a review, author interview, and giveaway at Lovely Reads.  Here’s a snippet from the interview:

When did you realize that you wanted to become a writer? What was the very first thing you ever wrote? I always had an unacknowledged dream of becoming an author, but I spent the first 25+ years of my life thinking that was strictly a fantasy, something that would never really happen (as I was pursuing software engineering at the time).  It wasn’t until I started freelance writing professionally about three years ago and ghost wrote a book for a client that I realized I could write a book for myself as well!  And I have NO idea what the first thing I wrote was; I’ve been writing since I can remember.  Probably it was a scary story – I wrote a LOT of those as a kid. <continue reading>

Also don’t miss the awesome 5-star review and e-book giveaway!  Thanks so much to Paige and Serenity for hosting!!


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