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Double Interviews + Giveaway @ Panda Reads & Books and Such

Two author interviews for you today!

Panda Reads
The time travel/wormhole aspect of Stitch was fascinating.  How much research did you have to do for Stitch? The thing that’s most amazing about that stuff is that it’s actually true – or at least, those are the most accepted current scientific theories.  I actually didn’t have to do a ton of additional research, because I find that stuff fascinating too, so I’ve done a good amount of Stephen Hawking reading and that sort of stuff in the past.  When it came time for Stitch, I just drew on what I knew and used articles online to refresh my memory and make sure I was explaining things as accurately as possible.  In terms of new research for this series, I actually did a lot more about viral epidemics and how easy it would be for a biological outbreak to really decimate our planet – let me tell you, it’s scary!!

Stop by Panda Reads for the rest, and remember to enter the giveaway while you’re there!

Next up is another great interview at Teri Polen’s Books & Such – check it out:

What do you like best and least about your main character, Alessa? Great question! Best is that she’s strong and resourceful and determined – she sets her mind to something and she gets it done. Least is that she can be a bit moody – she’s not as easy to love as, say, Janie (her best friend), because a lot of times she’s not bubbly, she’s not super outgoing or friendly, and she’s a lot more reserved. It takes a lot for Alessa to let her guard down. But once she does, she’s loyal to a fault and will do anything for the people she loves – so I think that makes up for being a little more serious and less fun-loving!

Swing by Teri Polen’s Books & Such for the remainder of the interview!

Thanks so much to Sandra and Teri for hosting me!!


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