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Check out The Witchy Contessa!

Hope everyone’s having a good Tuesday!  I just wanted to take a moment to send a shout-out to my blogger buddy Jessica over at The Witchy Contessa.  Hey, Jessica!  :-)

I originally met Jessica during the 2012 Stitch Blog Tour, when she was over at her old site Crossroads Reviews.  Since then, an unfortunate snafu has put her site out of commission, so she’s been blogging over at The Witchy Contessa (along with another one of my buddies from tour, Brooke from The Cover Contessa!) while waiting for Blogger to correct the error.

If you haven’t been over to The Witchy Contessa, I definitely recommend you check it out – it’s a great book blog filled with thoughtful book reviews, exciting tour stops, giveaways galore, and of course, Shudder will be swinging by there soon once the big promotional push begins in a few weeks!

Added bonus for you authors out there, Jessica also organizes blog tours, so if you need help (trust me, I know how time-consuming they are to coordinate!), you should totally get in touch.

Swing by the Contessa at the Crossroads Facebook Page to keep up all with all the goings on at The Witchy Contessa, The Cover Contessa, and Crossroads Reviews (once that one is back up, that is!) – and hey, while you’re there, why not give ’em a Like?



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