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BAD GUY WEEK –> INSPIRATION WEEK: “Inspiration for the Engineers” + Review &

Big thanks to Kelsy of Up In The Bibliosphere for hosting the Shudder Blog Tour as we transition from BAD GUY WEEK to INSPIRATION WEEK with a guest post on what inspired the Engineers!  Check it out:

The antagonists for the Stitch Trilogy – Paragon’s elusive leaders, the Engineers – were born out of one question: what if smart people with little empathy or ability to connect with other people were in charge?Believe it or not, this question actually arose out of a repeated argument I had with an ex-boyfriend from college. <continue reading>

Intrigued?  Swing by Up In The Bibliosphere for the rest, and also don’t miss the e-book giveaway and Kelsy’s 5-star review!

Oh my gosh, guys. after reading Stitch I thought things couldn’t get any more intense. I am so happy to be wrong! Shudder takes us even further into Durante’s terrifying dystopian world as Alessa faces her greatest challenge yet; surviving in a wasteland while being prey to a pack of superhumans. My favorite thing about Shudder is how seamlessly it picks up from the events of Stitch. There is no lost momentum in this sequel, and many kudos to Samantha for not succumbing to the “second book slump”. With the stakes raised higher than ever, Shudder left me begging for more.<continue reading>

Tune in almost every day this week for more posts about real-life inspirations for various aspects of Shudder, along with a bunch more reviews and giveaways!


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