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Announcement: Last chance to get Stitch on Nook & iTunes!

Hey Stitch fans!  If you’ve been meaning to grab a copy on your Nook, iPad, or other non-Kindle e-reader device, now is the time!

In the coming weeks, Stitch will become exclusive to Amazon as part of the KDP Select Program (making it available to borrow – for free! – in the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library), which means that it will no longer be available through other channels, including Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes, Smashwords, and other e-book retailers.

I know this is a bummer, but it’s not forever – per Amazon’s rules, it will only be for as long as Stitch is part of KDP Select (though that requires a minimum of 3 months).  During that time, you’ll still be able to buy copies on Kindle or in paperback format through Amazon, but not through the other e-book channels that Stitch is currently available on.  So the short story is, if you were planning to recommend Stitch or gift a copy to friends/family who use Nook, iPad/iPhone, or other e-book readers/retailers (e.g., Smashwords), please get your copy now!  By mid-December, Stitch will be available exclusively at Amazon.

Thanks so much for all your support and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience!  More details about how to get Stitch through the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library coming soon!!


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