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“And then, BAM, she punched me in the gut again!” 2 Reviews + Giveaways!

Two awesome new reviews up today at A Dash of YA and Nette’s Bookshelf!  First, check out this snippet of Komal’s hilarious recounting of the emotional rollercoaster she was taken on by Shudder:

“When I read Samantha Durante’s debut novel, Stitch, I was blown away. Samantha had so skillfully woven a punch to the gut into her story that I didn’t even see it coming.

“Punch to the gut?” you ask. “Did the book physically attack you?” I nod, not really sure how to explain it without giving away spoilers. “Kind of. It was more of an assault to the mind that felt like a punch to the gut.” Like I said, Stitch was like a punch to the gut. The sequel, Shudder, was the reader recovering from that punch, internally bleeding a little (I’ll get to that part later), and slowly trying to piece together where the punch came from. … The great thing about Samantha Durante is that she is a very skilled writer. I felt very safe in her hands as she took me through the story. And then, BAM, she punched me in the gut again! Freaking hell, Samantha! Like I needed you to do that to me in the end when I’d only just recovered!” <continue reading>

Seriously, stop by A Dash of YA and read the rest, it’s hysterical.  And while you’re there, enter A Dash of YA’s e-book giveaway and also grab copies of Komal’s amazing YA Contemporary Romance books (for <$2, can’t beat that!).

Next up, we have another great review from Nette’s Bookshelf:

“I know I mentioned this in my review of Stitch,  but I find the juxtaposition of Paragon and our society fascinatingly similar.  Similar in that we are so enamored or disctracted by “reality t.v” and the lives of others that we forget about what’s going on “out there” in the real world.  I also find similarities with the ruling class and our government but I’m going to stop at this sentence, lest I get away from myself and begin discussing politics and world issues and other topics that have nothing to do with my review of a book.  And that whole issue with the food? One word. Monsanto.  Anyway, I’m getting away from myself here…What I’m trying to say is, Samantha Durante creatively and cleverly devised a story that’s based on real-life ideas and turned it into a thought provoking novel.” <continue reading>

Don’t miss the rest!  You can also enter the CBL Prize Pack giveaway at Nette’s Bookshelf!

Thanks so much to Komal & Nette for hosting today!!  Have a great weekend everyone!


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