Note: I stole this image from a different Travelling Book group, but pretty awesome packaging, no?
I’m SUPER excited about this great new program that Stitch is participating in – it’s called the Adventures of the Travelling Book, and it basically means that a print copy of Stitch is getting shipped around to a whole bunch of readers all over the world who will write their notes and reactions right in the book and then finally ship it back to me so I can see what everyone had to say about it! How cool is that??
I found this program through the awesome Lovers of Paranormal group on Goodreads, and I was so honored and flattered when Stitch won the vote to become their very first Travelling Book.
:-D Can’t wait! !!!!
Anyway, just wanted to throw this out there in case any of you Stitch fans are interested in participating. As you know, I always love to hear your thoughts about Stitch, so this is a pretty neat way to share them with me!
Sign-ups are open through the end of this week (Friday 2/8) here:—stitch-by-samantha-durante