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A Short Reprieve from BAD GUY WEEK w/ Double Interviews

After a few days of heavy bad guy related content on the tour, I’m sure you could use a little light refresher, and so today we’re presenting two engaging new interviews with yours truly.  :-)  First, check out this thoughtful interview from fellow indie author Komal Kant at

Stitch was a skillful cross between the paranormal, science fiction, and dystopian genres. I expected Shudder to solely focus on Dystopian, but was surprised when it drifted into the paranormal genre once again. What is your favourite part about crossing genres in this unique way?Blending genres for me is a way to bring something different to the table.  I LOVE dystopian books, but let’s face it – there are a lot of popular ones out there right now, and the last thing I wanted to do with Shudder was rehash the same old tropes and storylines.  I thought the addition of some paranormal elements would help the book to be unique and hold readers’ interest, even if they’re burned out on straight-up dystopian reads. <continue reading>

And then, swing by Lisa Loves Literature for another one!

Did you do a lot of research for the science parts?I actually didn’t have to do a TON of research, but only because the science-y stuff (viral epidemics, space-time physics, cognitive science, etc.) are all topics that I’m interested in anyway and have read about or taken classes on in the past.  So I drew from what I already knew and supplemented with some internet research.  I did also reach out to one expert from the Federation of American Scientists for input on how an apocalypse could most realistically come about, and he gave me the idea to go with a viral epidemic and recommended a really frightening book about real-world outbreaks and how easily this could happen today. <continue reading>

Note: There’s also a review at the end of that post, but it contains some minor spoilers, so if you haven’t Shudder yet, don’t scroll past the interview!

Thanks so much to Komal & Lisa for hosting today!!


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