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A Quartet of Reviews and Ebook Giveaway @ Books and Beyond, Booking It With Hayley G, Frodo’s

FOUR – count ’em, four – great stops on the tour today!  First up, an awesome review and giveaway at Books and Beyond:

This is Sam Durante’s debut novel & I have to give her kudos for this story. It is quite clever & she knew how to “genre blend” like an old pro! To me that’s a sign of wonderful things to come. She had “it”, that “it” that infuses itself onto the pages of whatever she writes, like an essence that just wraps you up and settles you in for a long, enjoyable, ride.

Aww, thanks Fran!  (I’m blushing!)  Next up, another rave review at Booking It With Hayley G:

After reading Stitch, I’m kind of left wondering, what’s real and what’s created to make me believe it’s real, is Sarah really my sister, is my house REALLY my house? Do I really have privacy, who’s watching me? What century is it, really?! Yes I know paranoia galore, but once you’ve read the book you’ll understand what I mean!

Hahaha, that’s how I felt after watching the matrix..  So excited to hear that Stitch is making readers think!  Third stop is yet another fantabulous review at Frodo’s Blog of Randomness:

 I thoroughly enjoyed Stitch. The writing was excellent and the twists that were thrown in completely caught me off guard. I’ve been a sci-fi fan for years and also a hopeless romantic so Stitch appealed to just about every part of the reader in me. The characters were very well done. Alessa’s loss at the beginning of the book and her corresponding apathy toward doing anything productive is something I’ve seen and been a part of in real life so I was easily able to identify with her.

I’m ALSO a huge sci-fi fan and hopeless romantic, so Eric and I are obviously on the same page, haha.  (As an aside, he was a winner of the e-book giveaway at Passionate Book Divas earlier in the tour – yay for free stuff!)  And finally, to round us an amazing 4.5 star review at Twisting Minds One Word at a Time:

The author has clearly spent a lot of time doing extensive research into the paranormal and physics, because I certainly felt like I learned something reading this story… It has a little of everything that we may have seen in other books, movies, tv shows, but it holds its own in an entirely unique way. Stitch has so much going on, I dare anyone to be bored or turned off by it. It gives you a bit of everything: paranormal, romance, suspense, conspiracy, and stuffs it all into a neat little package and wraps it in dystopian paper. Sounds pretty, right? It is.

And LOTS more coming at Twisting Minds One Word at a Time later this week!  HUGE HUGE thanks to Fran, Hayley, Eric & Brandi for hosting today!!  Also, don’t miss the e-book giveaway ending today at Cocktails & Books!

Tomorrow we’re at The Aussie Zombie and A Reading Daydreamer for two more reviews and e-book giveaways!  See you then!


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