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2 New Arrivals: Mia and… STUCK!!!

Dear Stitch Fans, I am over-the-moon to announce not one, but two brand-spanking-new arrivals!

First, I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Mia!

Baby Mia joined us earlier this summer and has filled all our hearts to bursting, especially big brothers Kiran & Gio (the cat).  She is the sweetest little nugget we could ever have hoped for, and – as the meaning of her name (“wished for”) attests – she has given us the priceless gift of another opportunity to raise a daughter, something we wondered if we had lost forever after her older sister, Alana, was stillborn in 2013 (shortly after I published Book 2 in the series, Shudder).

In fact, Mia’s imminent arrival was the catalyst for this next announcement as well!  Knowing how much (read: little) time I’ve been able to devote to writing in the 3+ years since Kiran’s birth, I was determined to finish Stuck before she was born… figuring it certainly wasn’t going to be getting any easier with two kids running around here!*  And so, this spring, I set to work finally getting the last installment of the Stitch Trilogy on paper.  (No small feat, considering I’d procrastinated long enough that by the end, I was facing down a grueling pace of needing to average one chapter a day for the last two-ish months of her pregnancy… whoops!)

I am so thrilled to announce that, somehow (thanks to a very thorough outline!!), it all came together: Stuck is finished!  (Well, the first draft is, anyhow.)  Right now it’s being scrutinized by beta readers, and assuming they don’t all think it’s garbage (fingers crossed!), I’m targeting a release by the end of this year.  :-D

There is a Cover Reveal & Giveaway planned for this fall, and I will announce the official release date (and preorder links!) with that promotion.  In the meantime, please go ahead and add Stuck to your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) shelf and follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter for updates about the release!  (You can also sign up on my mailing list for an email reminder as soon as Stuck is available for purchase!)

I hope you guys are excited about these announcements as I am!  Thank you for all your support, and stay tuned for more updates soon!!

PS – If you missed the sneak preview excerpt from Stuck on my previous post, head over there to whet your appetite for the final book of the Stitch Trilogy!

[*As a babyloss mom, I feel the need to qualify here: two kids running around if I got very lucky to be able to bring home another living child.  I don’t know one other loss parent who will ever feel comfortable enough again to make that kind of assumption, and I don’t want to pretend that I’m immune, either.  To be perfectly candid, the only thing I knew was that I would be leaving the hospital with my arms full – with a baby, or with another round of soulcrushing grief.  Either way, I didn’t think I’d be getting much work done!!  And boy was that assessment spot on – it took me *nearly* as long to write the last 2 chapters and read the first draft as it did to write the first 48!]


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