Dec 22, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 15, 2018

Dec 14, 2018

Oct 8, 2018

Aug 13, 2018
Samantha Durante
An avid lifelong reader of fiction of all sorts, there’s nothing I find more engrossing than an epic sci-fi/fantasy/romance series. I’ve spent countless hours of my life immersed in the richly-woven worlds that someone else was kind enough to put on paper, and I’ve always felt a debt of gratitude to these authors. The Stitch Trilogy – my debut series – is my humble attempt to return the favor.
My dream is to bring the same enjoyment and delight to readers that these authors have brought to my life. If you find yourself staying up just a little too late to finish another chapter, or sneaking into the bathroom at work to read when things are slow, I will know I have done my job!
I live in New York with four of the five loves of my life – my husband, son, younger daughter, and cat – and carry my fifth love, my stillborn eldest daughter, in my heart. In her honor, I also write candidly about babyloss and grief in hopes of breaking the stigma around pregnancy/infant loss and preventing more stillbirths from happening.
If you're here because a baby you love has died, I'm so incredibly sorry. But you are not alone.